Dynamic Link to Schedule

June 11th, 2020

Dynamic Link to Schedule

You can create a custom page for viewing and editing only one schedule. You can then link from other pages to this specific schedule so users can make changes to just the schedule you want.

  1. Create a custom page with the following contents:
    body {
        overflow-x: hidden;
    ma-scheduler-page > div > md-card {
        display: none !important;
  1. Create a page menu item with a url of /scheduler-no-ui/{xid} and set its parent to Root - Top Level

  2. You can now link to this page with a component like this example:

<!-- This is an example of how to make a link to popup the schedule in a new window.  Change the Schdule XID to the one you want -->
<a id="476838d4-4ac0-4562-84c8-787a0f341fc2" style="position: absolute; left: 95px; top: 252px; width: 139.328px; height: 32px;" href="#" onclick="window.open('/ui/scheduler-no-ui/ADVSCH_6fcef9e2-c002-4407-8fe8-e72e1fd2903b', 'schedule', 'height=800,width=1024')">Open Schedule</a>

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